
Exercise Physiology

For the prevention and management of chronic disease or injury


What is an exercise physiologist?

Accredited Exercise Physiologists are tertiary qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise programs for the prevention and management of chronic disease or injury. If you suffer from any of the below conditions I can help.

  • Diabetes or pre-diabetes

  • Cancer

  • Arthritis

  • Hypertension

  • Chronic back pain or injury

  • Osteoporosis

  • Depression

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Respiratory Diseases such as Asthma

  • Physical restrictions or mobility issues

Private appointments - please contact using the below form or direct 0439 744 611.

Exercise Physiology- Initial Consultation (45min)

EPC referral from GP: $88.30 ($58.30 Medicare rebate)=$30 gap payment for initial assessment only. Subsequent sessions are bulk-billed

DVA referral from GP (white or gold card): Bulk billed

Private health insurance rebates are available depending on the level of cover.